Brand / Motion Designer in Telecom Industry

UI designer

Partial remote
The minimum number of working days on site should be discussed with the recruiter

Belgium Brussels

No extra time allowed
As Brand Animator Consultant (= motion designer), you can sublimate the brand experience in animation. You will make animated versions of branding assets (logo, icon, ..) to be used in different touchpoints (TV, web, ...).
This could include animation research, animation guidelines, interfaces animation, assets animation, etc. Your creations have to be in line with current branding guidelines.
Required Responsibilities
- You can interpret a briefing and translate it to stunning animations
- You benchmark with other companies the kind of animations a brand needs for is visual assets
- You collaborate and co-create with the creative director
- You make a retro planning and structure for the project and deliver on time
- You can work independently
- You prepare a presentation of the deliveries for management approval
Degree & Experience (must have)
- You are an experienced and senior animator
- You have an advanced knowledge of graphic design
- You can create illustration or understand illustration style
- You can create illustration or rig and animate illustrations
- You know how to deliver for apps, web and TV. You can coordinate with web-developers and app developers to deliver the animation they need in the correct format
Technical skills
- Adobe After effects
- Blender or another 3d software
- Cinema 4d basic knowledge
- Knowledge in sound design
- You are branding minded;
- You spontaneously adopt an approach which takes into account the end-user's experience;
- You are rigorous
- Familiar with agile way of working
- Team player, but able to work autonomously
Fluency in English and French or Dutch is mandatory
Required skills
Animation5Design2Adobe After Effects1Graphic Design1Language
Response rate : 57%
View profile€300-€500
per day
Indicative rate
Save up to 25% on taxes thanks to author's right

Full time

As soon as possible
• • •
Indefinite period
Recruitment process
- Apply with your Beelance profile
- First contact via the chat
- Interview & negotiation
- Sign your contract & start the mission
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