Frequently asked questions

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FAQ for freelancers

FAQ for companies


What does Beelance exactly do?

We provide smart care solutions to connect companies and freelancers of the IT & Digital world, with the promise of finding the perfect match. In our complex and ever-changing world, we believe that flexible interaction is the essence of a long-lasting collaboration. By combining machine and human intelligence, we make you save valuable energy and time while staying in direct control of your collaborations.

What is Beelance’s ecosystem?

As the collaborative knowledge is central in the Digital Age, Beelance shapes the future of work hand in hand with different valued partners.

Their expertise mixed with ours makes sure our freelancers are surrounded by leading experts and have a real added value to join your company.

What is the added value of Beelance compared to its competitors?

There are many advantages using Beelance:

  • We increase and facilitate interaction with your digital talent pool
  • We save you valuable time through our matching algorithm solutions and our easy-to-use admin tools
  • We are there to support you and help you find the right talent
  • We link you with an ecosystem of added value partners
  • No recruitment fee

  • How can I attract the best freelancers?

    There are a few things to consider.

  • First, make sure the job description is complete, clear, and attractive. It has to be very readable, otherwise freelancers won’t read it. It is also important for them to know on which project and for which company they will be working. So, include this in your job description.
  • Second, choose a realistic rate range. If you are asking for a senior, don’t put a rate for a junior.
  • And lastly, if remote is possible, then put remote only. More and more freelancers only choose projects where they can work remotely.
  • Make sure to also give feedback in a timely manner, don’t wait longer than 3 working days. The freelancing world is moving fast and the best way to lose great talent, is by giving no (or late) feedback.

    Can I book a demo or a first call?

    Of course you can! You can book a demo or call here.


    How to publish a mission on Beelance?

    To publish an assignment on Beelance, you must: - Register on the platform - Validate your email address and your VAT number - Sign up for a subscription.

    What kind of information do I have to mention in my mission?

    Please take a look here of what is the perfect mission lay-out and content for us: article.

    What’s the price to hire a freelancer on Beelance?

    Depending on which subscription you choose. Please take a look on our pricing page.

    How do I contact a freelancer?

    Once the freelancer has applied to your mission, you can choose to contact him directly by our chat or directly through his contact details.

    How do I hire a freelancer that matches my mission?

    Once you and the freelancer have arrived to an agreement, you can hire him by simply clicking on “hire” in his contact card.

    There you’ll be able to create and follow up contracts and the timesheets through the platform.

    All the documents will be stored on both yours and the freelancer’s account.

    How are freelancers notified about my mission?

    All the freelancers that match with at least 60%, will receive an email to notify them about your mission. This email is sent every day at 6 pm.

    It is important to notice that they will receive this email about your project only once. That’s why you need to make sure the information is complete and accurate from the beginning. They won’t receive an email when the project is updated.

    What should I put in the job title?

    With the title, you can attract the attention of the freelancer. Freelancers are looking for missions that match the skills they want to work with. So, for a developer for example, put the language and whether it is frontend and/or backend. Don’t put any information about rate or location, they can find this when they open the mission.

    Am I bound to the daily rate range I put for my mission?

    No, it is just an indication for the freelancer to know what to expect. Negotiation about the rate is still part of your hiring process.


    What is included in the plan?

    It depends on the subscription you choose. In each subscription, you will be entitled to a specific number of users and publishing missions. In addition, you will find certain advantages such as a page specifically dedicated to the company, support adapted to your needs, great visibility of your missions, and a meticulous follow-up.

    Do I have to take a subscription plan?

    You must choose a subscription if you want to get in touch with a freelancer and start working together on your mission.


    Should I complete my company profile? What’s the purpose?

    Following our survey results, we found that it is important for freelancers to know the company and its values before applying for one of its assignments.

    That's why we strongly advise you to complete your company profile to present and highlight your company to our freelance community. The goal? Make you stand out and highlight your company culture, values, and identity.

    The information provided on your profile will be visible on every mission. This way, you won't need to describe your company in your missions anymore.

    I would like to delete my account; how can I do that?

    Please send your request to and we will handle it as soon as possible.

    I would like to change the VAT number of my company; how can I do that?

    Please send your request to and we will handle it as soon as possible.